"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chubby Cheeks 50K

*Not sure if this counts as a "race" or not -- but decided to post this along with my race reports anyway. At least it will be easier to find this way*

The 3rd annual Chubby Cheeks race took place today up in Horsetooth and Lory state park.  This is quickly becoming a FCTR winter classic!

I have been wanting to run this for the last couple of years but for different reasons I have always had to opt out.  However, this year I was sticking to my plan of running it.  The only question mark I have had in my training during this fall/winter off season was the complete lack of any long runs lasting longer than 90 minutes...in the last 2.5 months!   Up to this point the majority of my training has been easy 30-40 minute trots here and there.  I had the perfect excuse not to run this year.  But I am generally not one to use past workouts as an indicator of what I can or cannot do for future workouts.

The 50K run started at 7am sharp, with temps around a balmy 22 degrees. The course takes you up and over...up and over.....and up and over hills throughout Horsetooth and Lory State Park.

Horsetooth Rock summit 
Coming back down Horsetooth Rock - Photo, Kris K

The 50K course takes you to the summit of Horsetooth Rock and then eventually over to the summit of Arthurs Rock....before making the slow grind back up Towers rd and then down into the valley before finishing.

A few recorded splits:

Slapping Horsetooth summit - 40:10
Mill Creek / Loggers intersection - 2:02
Slapping the summit of Arthurs Rock - 2:43

Arthurs Rock summit

I felt pretty good most of the morning, however with my longest run in the last few months having been only about 90 minutes, I could feel the lack of long runs by the time I approached my 4th hour of running.  I wanted to run somewhere between 6hr 30mins and 6hrs 45 mins today, which I felt like was a realistic goal despite my complete lack of any long endurance type stuff lately.

By the time I hit the climb up Sawmill, my legs were really starting to feel....ummm....tired.  I decided that from the halfway point up Sawmill, all the way back up to Towers/ Westridge I was going to alternate between power hiking and jogging the climbs and making sure to jog the few flat and any down hill sections. 

As soon as I finally grunted my way back up to the rollers on Westridge, I felt much better.  And from here on out....I knew the rest of the way was nothing more than another training run up in the park.
About 100 yards or so from the turn off onto Wathan, trail studs Clarkie and Krupicka  came rolling on by.  

Finished the 50K course (about 8,000') in 6:23 (I think good enough for 2nd)

I think if I had done ANY previous long runs in the weeks leading up to this I might have been able to knock off some time on the last 2 hours of the run...and maybe run somewhere around 6:10 or below.

A few notes :
  • The trails were marked at EVERY intersection, with either flour arrows, red ribbons...or both! . kudos to all the volunteers who spent the time in marking the trails. 

  • Another thanks to the volunteers who manned the aid station at about mile 22 or so.  Snacks and salty items, and fresh water...ahhh that was a welcomed site!
This was a great run, on a challenging course, with a handful of local trail runners --  which I highly recommend for anyone looking to get in a solid long run.

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